Rank: n/a
Position: President of the 12 Colonies


Laura Roslin



Call Sign:











"So say us all"
Physical Description


5' 7"



Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Distinguishing Marks:




none noted

Character History


Having at first the job as secretary of education, it was upon the return trip in the Galactica to Caprica when the Cylons attack. Everyone in the cabinet being killed, she took on roll as acting president. Being faced with knowing she made the decision to leave some behind, she took those with her and those that were already on Commander Adama's ship and they left the area.

She asked Gaius Baltar to be her scientific advisor after sometime of being part of the civilian crew of the Galactica. Roslin's fleet joins up with the Galactica and after some conflict of personality, she and Commander Adama come to an agreement: she will handle civilian decision and he will handle military decision. She also admits to her aide, Billy Keikeya, that she has inoperable cancer.

At one point, Captain Lee "Apollo" Adama had been her military advisor, but that ended shortly after at one point, he had agreed with Tom Zarek and his demand there be elections held.

During which, she had started to talk with Dr. Cottle and began taking 'khamalla extract', as an alternative treatment for her cancer. With side effects causing, black outs, visions and hallucinations, she manages to pull off a challenge by Tom Zarek during a meeting at the Quorum of Twelve and nominates Gaius Baltar as her Interim Vice President. With his reputation, it manages to sway the vote and the man got the position.

With many things happening around the ship, they , the Commander threw a party of sorts, to celebrate their latest get away from the Cylons, a quiet period for everyone, when all hell broke loose. Laura was shot and for the life of everyone, no one knew who it could have been.

24 hours later, Laura with a hole in her shoulder and patched, up, they found out that there were 2 Cylons running around the ship and it had been both that set up the assassination.

Of course now, it will be the challenge, one Cylon gone, another one still roams the ship. Her cancer is progressing, and the centurions are still very much after them. As are they after the need to find Earth.


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