Name: Tiffany Woods

Physical Description

5' 7"

Distinguishing Features:

Tiffany plays on the being blonde part a lot.  People expect her to be an air headed woman who has no clue, so she gives them what they expect and plays the dumb airhead.  She is a highly intelligent woman who keeps her thoughts mostly to herself and will often come up with inane comments out of the blue that have no meaning what so ever to what is being discussed.  But its normally done so that she may have a little bit of time to think about what has just been said and form her own opinions and ideas on it.

Personal Quirks:
Tiffany has a tendency to giggle a lot and will often be seen reading comic books and giggling at the antics of whichever comic character she is reading about.  She enjoys Blondie and Archie comics to use for this purpose as it makes people think she is an airhead.

Tiffany was born the only child to her parents.  They were planning on having more but her father died of snakebite when she was only 3, so she doesn’t remember him that well.  Her mother never remarried because she was never sure if the men wanted to marry her for herself or for the money that both she and her husband had managed to make. 

Being part of a well off family gave Tiffany a lot of advantages and her and her mother traveled a lot when she was a child.  She started to collect a rock from each place that they had visited and this was the beginning of her life long love of rocks that lead her to study Geology as well as Astronomy.

All During her younger years and through school Tiffany wasn’t interested in dating or any of the normal things that most young girls were interested in.  She preferred to spend her time off looking for new rocks to add to her collection or looking at the stars and dreaming of what might be out there.

Her mother as a present gave her a telescope for her 10th birthday as her class was going to be going on a school camp to one of the observatories and studying the stars for a week.  Tiffany cherished the telescope and also the chance to expand her outlook beyond the here and now. 

Always looking for something new and unexplained in the stars, hoping that she may one day be able to discover somShe did a double major during university, as she couldnstars and stones.  So she ended up studying ’t decide between her two loves in life, the to be both a geologist and an Astronomer, which a lot of people laughed at her about saying that the fields were so far apart that they would never be any use to her.

When the Australian Government approached her about being part of the team that went to Mars, because of her almost unique area of expertise.  Being a geologist and astronomer at the same time, she was shocked beyond words at finally having her dream come true of being able to not only study the stars but to go out amongst them ...well ok out amongst the planets but that was as good as far as she was concerned.  She is looking forward to being able to study the formation of the rocks on Mars and see how its evolution differed from that of Earth’s